It has been so long

Since I have been posting.  Things have been a bit crazy around the house.  I still have not finished my NANOWRIMO novel, though I did complete well over 50,000 words for the month of November.  I started crocheting again this winter and am having a blast making all sorts of items.  I am planning on opening an etsy shop here very soon (I have to come up with a name anyone got any suggestions?)  I have some of my pieces over on facebook on display.  I am still trying to decide what best to make that people would be interested in buy.  I also plan to do some smaller cross stitch works for the store as well.

As for book reviews, I do have to sadly admit that I have picked up very few books since last October.  The mood just has not been there.  Which means I am so incredibly behind on all my favorite authors it hurts.  But, as soon as the bug to read, instead of write, comes back again, I will be back posting away at reviews.

And speaking of writing, the contract is signed and a book I helped co-author, shall be on the shelves (YEAH ME).  It is called Same Journey, Different Paths, stories of Auditory Processing Disorder.  A group of mothers with kids with APD (and a few grown kids with APD) all got together to write about our journeys with the disorder.  It should be an incredible book and there are not many like it out there.  Most of the APD stories are written from a clinical perspective and not the perspective of the person or families living with it.




Sabrina is DONE

Well okay not completely as I have a single Crystal Treasure bead that I have to order  to be completely finished.  But otherwise she is done, washed, pressed.

And despite pre-washing my hand dyed waterlillies thread, I still had a bit of bleeding, but thankful it is not horribly noticeable.

So without further delay….



Finished cross stitch

Finished cross stitch